Saturday, September 10, 2011

A Meeting of the Money Minds

I held a meeting with Foundations earlier this week across the state informing them of the initiative we were about to a nnounce.  Because our program requires matching funds, these Foundations really need to be supportive.  We're going to need their resources!

It was an incredible meeting.  Probably one of the most exciting meetings I've had in my career.  It's not that anything really significant happened either.  It's just that they were all so supportive and excited by our program.  They all wanted to support it.  They even talked about getting some of their donors to support the match. 

I left feeling so energized because I realized that we are about to put $20 million dollars into the state to change communities... to make them healthier, to build community gardens, parks, hiking trails, etc. 

Their support and excitement for the project means we are REALLY about to change the state.  And, what a great moment to soak up in my life... to be the originator of that concept. 

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