Thursday, September 1, 2011


I spent a year transforming myself.  Physically, at least.  It's been an incredible experience.  Emotional.  Exhausting.  Excruciatingly painful.  Energizing.  Exciting.  Expensive!

Most days I don't feel as though I've had this major transformation.... especially lately because I've been around the same size for many months and I'm use to this new size.  Then I will see a photo of me (cringe) or run into someone I haven't seen in months (cringe cringe) and it's a reminder.  I don't like that reminder.  Because I feel like what you see now is who I was then... but I don't like that packaging. 

I have a couple of friends who I've gotten to be close with recently.  People who might have known me before the transformation (somewhat).  Knew who I was.  Maybe even knew I was heavy.  I don't know.  We never discuss it.  But, I've come to realize I like that they are really only friends with the new me.  I feel like there are a couple of people who don't even know or remember that other Christy.  The one I'm embarrassed by.  The one that makes me cringe.  The one with the ugly packaging. 

I was talking to one of them recently about writing.  What I write: plays, short stories, blogs, etc.  Blogs?  Well, then he wanted the blog address.  Oh Lord of the Rings... I can't have that.  This blog has captured all of the transformation.  And, if you didn't know that Christy... I certainly don't want you to meet her now. 

I had lunch with another friend this week who knew me before.  And, she wanted to have the local magazine do a story on my transformation.  I was horrified.  Absolutely not.  I don't want anyone to remember the old package.  A story would just remind everyone how absolutely fat I was.  I know a lot of people are excited about their transformations.  I've seen it on the Biggest Loser and other shows and in real life.  But, I guess I see it like editing down a real bad term paper.  Why would we go back and want to look at the original version?  It was a mess.  Not pretty. 

Is it bad that I want to hide the transformation?

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