Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Show Must Go On

Today is the tenth anniversary of September 11.  A day of loss for so many. 

This weekend brings a new loss.  On Friday night a 16 year boy died tragically in a car accident on his way to the theatre.  It was opening night for a show he was thrilled to be a part of.  His facebook post just an hour before illustrated his excitement around opening night and the show.  He was struck by a vehicle going 90 miles an hour.  The cast was devastated.  And, I was reminded of a time, ten years ago, when I was part of a cast who cried together. 

We were doing Pinocchio Commedia on 9/11/01.  And, we came together and cried and wondered what was happening in the world.  Could we continue a show?  I mean, doing comedy (much less commedia) after 9/11 seemed insane.  But, we did. 

I can only imagine what the cast of this show is experiencing... to lose someone so unexpectedly... someone so full of life... so young.  They cancelled the performance opening night, but pulled together and had an emotional run last night. 

As I said to their director yesterday, theatre people have the priviledge of this motto:  The show must go on.  It means, we are resilent.  We are flexible.  And, we push forward no matter what.  The show must go on.

That's how the country responded after 9/11.  That's how we were as a cast for Pinocchio.  That's how this group is now dealing with a very tragic loss.  Life doesn't stop for the rest of us.  The show must go on, no matter how hard it is to continue.

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