Sunday, January 23, 2011

Another Year, Another Weigh In

Our company offers a wellness program for employees.  In fact, if you participate in the program in full and adhere to all rules, you get a reduced premium.  Therefore, we fondly refer to the program as "forced wellness".  Now, last week the forced wellness folks publicly named me the 4th place winner in the weight loss challenge last year.  So, I'm involved.  In fact, I work with that program all the time and try to align my department more with theirs.

So, we had a annual health fair and weigh in this past week.  I went through the fair. They weighed me, measured my waist, did my numbers (cholesterol, LDLs, HDLs, BMI, etc) all to better see where I am and what I need to improve. I sat down with the lady to go over my numbers and she explained how, for the most part, my numbers were all good.   She then cautiously pointed to my BMI and explained how it was too high.  Without asking me anything about myself or my patterns, she said "If you start exercising, you should see this number go down."  (I love how they always assume I never exercise).  When I responded with, "Oh, yes... I exercise everyday... at 5 am."  She sounded shocked and said, "Oh, really???" 

Perhaps there could be some sensitivity training?  It's the same thing everytime I join a gym or get some kind of assessment... they always assume I've never exercised.  Frustrating.

Oh well.  Maybe by next year I'll be so thin they won't even mention it.

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