Friday, August 12, 2011

Double Lunch

So, Ginah gave me some tasks this week to help me increase my weight loss.  Basically, she wants to shake up my routine. 

Ok... that's fine.  But, the problem is. . . she really wants me to eat more food during the day.  I typically do a lot of shakes during the work day.  Why?  Because my schedule is very difficult and shakes are super easy.  Well, she even put me on the spot in front of the entire class and made me promise to incorporate certain items in on my Wednesday -- which was going to be a challenging day.

I said, Ok.  I packed up some salad stuff and veggies for me to eat on Wednesday and only did shakes for breakfast.  Meaning, I took none with me to work.  Well, I couldn't really make myself eat the raw vegetables between the meetings I had.  I tried... I really did.  But, it was hard.  Then I had a lunch meeting.  And, they had some vegetables there.  I know they had butter on them.  But, they were vegetables... right?  So, I got a plate with some.  Very small portions of everything I got.  But, I was trying to add food, especially since I didn't have my shakes.  And, now I was feeling hungry.  My next meeting was at a restaurant.  It was planning meeting for something and I ended up ordering more vegetables.  I thought, more is better... right??  And, I told the waitress I could NOT have butter on them.  Well, the broccoli was fine.  Dry and tasteless.  Perfect.  :(  The potatos were different.  Covered in butter.  I pulled the waitress and said, "I said they can't have butter."

She said, "Yeah... we'll that's just how they make those so you have to have it."  She was preoccupied and made no attempt to fix it with anything better as she jetted off.  So, there they sat in front of me.  I ate the broccoli.  It was pretty terrible.  Then I tried a potato.  Then another.  Then another. 

I kept thinking... I would have been better off with the shakes.  Why didn't I just stick with the shakes?  So, in the end I had a double lunch.  That will certainly mess with my routine.  Hope it helps increase my metabolism, too!

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