Friday, December 17, 2010

Sore to the Core

Basic core work
I've been doing the pilates reformer class at my gym for about 3 years now.  For most of that time, I've done the class twice a week.  Most of my Mondays and Thursdays start with pilates reformer at 5 am.  My instructor is a great gal from England.  And, she went home this year for Christmas. But, instead of canceling our classes.... she found some other instructors to take over on certain days.

Leg circles
Yesterday morning I had a woman I've seen teaching their mat pilates classes.  In fact, I've taken one of those from her before.  And, it was fine. 

Eve's lunge
Typically, my English instructor challenges us and while their are some regular routines we do, she also changes things up so it's not always the same exercises.

But, after three years, you get to know the routines... and rarely do I feel sore from my reformer class.  On occasion, I will... but it is not often.

However, my workout yesterday with the Mat Class Instructor has left me sore to the core.  Not the kind of sore that's it hurts to walk or be active.  It's just an achy kind of sore right in my core area... where I can seriously feel the muscles have been worked.   This is exciting... it means that we did something just different enough that I worked my muscles differently.

Short spine roll-over

That makes me happy, actually... and, sure, it does make me wonder if my English instructor is keeping me on my toes enough.  But, I have felt like this before after one a class or two, but it's been a while.


All of the photos in this blog are images of actual exercises I do regularly.  Some I enjoy much more than others.  Some that just seem to be harder for me to do since I broke my foot (even two years later).... like "bridging" on just my left foot.  The Mat Class Instructor did most of these same ones... she just added some variations that seemed to cut right to the core.  And, I love it!

Feels great to be sore to the core!!

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