Wednesday, December 22, 2010


This weekend I finally watched the documentary Super Size Me.  Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock decides to embark on a 30 day McDonald's binge to illustrate how eating McDonal's might affect one's health.  The concept is inspired because of an unsuccessful lawsuit accusing McDonald's of causing the obesity of two teenage females. 

Spurlock thought the lawsuit was silly, at first.  But then, he kept thinking about the way McDonalds targets kids from such a young age, the way they manufacture their food, and their lack of transparency regarding the nutritional value of their food.  After hearing a spokesperson for McDonald's claim there was no link between the girls' obesity and their food... actually stating that McDonald's food is healthy and nutritious, Spurlock decided that he should then be able to eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner for thirty days straight with no side effects. He lived the "All American" way of life of over eating and under exercising for one month.

The results were mind-blowing.  In thirty days, Spurlock gained 24.5 pounds, his cholesterol rose by 65 points, and his body fat increased by 7%.  To make matters worse, his liver became fat and by day 20 many of the doctors he was working with throughout the exercise began begging him to stop the experiment.

Other side effects Morgan experienced as a result of the diet were depression, exhaustion, headaches and mood swings.  

We also learn that over the course of 30 days, he consumed 30 pounds of sugar. 

The results he experienced are the exact opposite of what I'm seeing with so many of my classmates in the box.  Many of them are going from several daily medications to none.  One woman began the diet using a walker to get around, and now she walks independently.  Everyone is losing weight.  Everyone is losing body fat. And, we saw results almost as immediate as Spurlock did.  

Super Size Me will definitely make you stop and think about what you eat and what it can do to your body.

By the way....
Shortly after the film premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, McDonald’s eliminated the “super size” option from its menus, denying that Super Size Me had any influence on this action.

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