Sunday, March 1, 2015

Back in the Box (take 2)

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

Nearly five years ago I entered "the box" and lost a significant amount of weight.  Over the past couple of years, I've slowly put some of that weight back on.  Not a lot of it (considering what I lost overall), but enough.  Enough to see it in photos (see those here) and feel it in my clothes. 

I've watched my alcohol intake increase and my fruit and vegetable consumption decrease.  I can remember a time when my diet had become 85% fruits and vegetables.  Lately, I just don't crave any. 

It's time.  I need a reboot. 

With my increased weight, I've had a hard time fitting into my new wardrobe.  And, over the past few months I've tried to refocus my diet with some luck. 

But the reality is... I just need a reboot.  I need to completely reboot my taste buds so that I crave fruits and vegetables again.

So, I am back.  Back in the Box.  Back to eating JUST their food.  The plan is to do this for 10 weeks.

That will help me drop the pounds I gained and reboot my taste buds so I eat the right things again.

What's 10 weeks?  Right?  If I could do it for 13 weeks the first time, what is 10 weeks?  It's 70 days.  That's 1,680 hours.   That's nothing... I can do that.   Right?

#fingerscrossed #reboot #70longdays #nothingfits

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