So Friday I went to a function at a really good restaurant and ordered only water. I skipped the delicious meal they were serving. The waiter kept asking me to reconsider, their manager then kept asking. I was gracious but declined... "I just ate something."
I was feeling great and stayed focused. I was mingling like I needed to and sipping my H20. All was great. I was proud of myself until.....
About 8 minutes later a glass of red wine was placed in front of me. Special wine. This was just for me. It was sent special as a joke from a friend. Not a joke about my not eating but one about bribery - which I had been mouthing off about since I got there. So, I basically asked for this. Then all eyes were on me (and there were about 30 or so there staring) and I felt my stomach tighten up. Fuuuuudge!
What to do? What to do?!?
So, I did what any good girl focused on her diet would do. I looked up and smiled and took a big sip.
This, of course, led to another glass and maybe a third? And, eventually it lead to me eating spinach dip and fried cheese.
Not even a week in and I totally screwed up. Not even a little one. Uggh.
I've got to do better than this. I know better. What is wrong with me???
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