Sunday, August 29, 2010

Noteworthy Occassions

This has been quite a week!  Lots of exciting celebrity encounters (see photos below), but also a couple of somewhat sad, significant anniversaries.  Today marks the 5 year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina and I spent my morning in New Orleans at the taping of NBC's Meet the Press.  The weather was terrible.  It felt like I had to drive through Katrina to get there.  But, it was very special to be there today at the taping with some dear friends. Friends who were impacted by Katrina.  And, the same old friends who also helped me remember my older sister earlier this week.  For those who don't know, we lost my older sister 17 years ago.  She would have been 40 on Tuesday. So, it was hard this week to stay on track and not break away from the box.

Tomorrow is weigh in/fat class again and, as I've been writing, I'm not anticipating any big weight loss this week -- which is disappointing.  Despite this, I am proud of my ability to stay focused this week.  Stay on the diet/in the box in spite of a week full of noteworthy occasions.... with lots of opportunity or even reasons to deviate.  I'm going to concentrate on that accomplishment. 

Hanging out with Hugo of the New Orleans Hornets.

Backstage with Dr. John at the Manship Theatre.
With (HBOs) Treme's Wendell Pierce before Meet the Press.

After taping Meet the Press, a quick pic with friends and Brian Williams.

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