Saturday, August 7, 2010

You'll Never Be Hungry

One thing Dr. DoGood said to me on our visit was "You'll never be hungry on this diet!"

Hmmm.  Oh kay.  Well, here's the dilemma.   Week one you basically buy the "minimum prescription" of food.  So, it's a little difficult to practice more is better since you don't have more.  Get it?  So, I'm sure I wouldn't be hungry on this diet if I was eating every time I was hungry.  But, I don't have that luxury this week... so I can easily say I definitely HAVE been hungry on this diet.  I've actually been scared to eat more because I've been worried I'd run out of food and be completely starving by the end of the week.  And, as it happens... I am very low on food.  It's a terrible feeling during the first week.  At least those on the "spa treatment" plan can eat a fruit or veggie if they get hungry.  That's in their box.  But, not me.  So, I found myself hoarding my food a little this week. 

Tomorrow I go back in and pick up another supply.  This time I plan to buy a lot of extras.  They'll probably laugh at my order -- all the basics PLUS 12 soups, 18 extra entrees, 65 lasagnas??  Ok, well that that one is because I want to plan a dinner party one night and cook for my friends.  Wouldn't that be hilarious?

Anyway, just reporting in Dr. DoGood, I am hungry!

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