Thursday, October 21, 2010

Follow Up with Dr. Stickthin

I had my three month follow up with Dr. Stickthin today.  I had been eager to see her and her response to my weight loss.  After what seemed like a very long (and cold - temperature wise) wait in the lobby, I was called in by the nurse.  She weighed me in first, and I was exactly 32 pounds lower than when I weighed in for my July visit.

The nurse then led me to a small, cold room and did my blood pressure.  It was 130/78.  Last visit it was 138/98.  So, I saw a huge drop in my diastolic number.  Basically, I went from Stage 1 High Blood Pressure to Prehypertension in 3 months (since you're suppose to go by the most severe category).  When the nurse exited, I was left with my own thoughts... 130/78 is still high, and I only lost 32 pounds.  She told me most people on the diet lose between 40-60 pounds.  She wont think I'm really committed. Uggh.  I should have lost more weight by now.  I'm not going to have lost 40 pounds by the end of the 13 weeks.  I'm not successful.... blah blah blah...  The mind is a terrible thing sometimes.  Fortunately, my doomsday monologue was terminated upon Dr. Stickthin's entrance.

"Wow.  You've lost a lot of weight!" she said.  "How did you do it?"

I explained I've been doing the program she recommended.  She seemed very pleased with my results and how my blood pressure had gone down.

"What's your goal weight?"  she asked as she placed her pen to my chart.

"I don't have an actual weight," I explained.

She held her position with the pen and looked up surprised.  I explained that a particular weight seemed arbitrary to me.  I don't know what weight is right for me or my body.  I just don't want to be fat and I want to be healthy.  Also, I am more interested (as I've mentioned before on the blog) in physical activity milestones.  Honestly, I think it really just ties back to how I'd like my kids to see me.... and what I can do with them.  That's why an actual weight/number seems unimportant.  So what if I'm the exact number on the scale that those charts say I should be?  If I am not physically active, then my girls will be less active -- and they'll end up having issues of their own.

Dr. Stickthin seemed comfortable with my focus on physical activity over a number on the scale.  She asked to have my blood work done through the diet program sent to her so she could review them regularly, too.   Then she sent me off with a kudos and keep up the good work, and direction that I only needed to come back again for my annual exam. 

My doomsday monologue didn't return after our visit.  I felt good and successful, again.

1 comment:

  1. Two things, the nurse is a jackass and isn't cool how children bring out the very best in us?
