I had a long conversation yesterday with Ginah, who is trying to determine my next step in this program. I put down that I'd like to move to Phase II once this class ends in the coming weeks. She's concerned. I'd be going from a very limited and restrictive diet to including 35 fruits and veggies a week, as well as incorporating other regular foods.
I agree with her. It's actually not the route I was originally planning for me. But, my options aren't great.
Here's what they are:
- Option A. Repeat the "core" class
- Option B. Move to the ongoing weight loss class
- Option C. Move to "Phase II"
Option A. Repeating the Core. Well, I don't want to sit through the exact same class again. Even though I'd be in it under a new plan (because I'm definitely adding fruits and vegetables -- even sooner than I imagined), I'd still be hearing the exact same information. I just don't want to have to sit through that again. Plus, my boss has plans to move forward with the diet (which I'm very excited for her, of course) and she will be in that class. I want her to have her own experience. She doesn't need me (who will be bored with the curriculum) influencing her experience.
Option B. Ongoing Weight Loss. This seems like a great plan, actually. I do want to lose more weight, and it would slowly allow me to incorporate the fruits and vegetables in a structured environment. So, why did I write Phase II? They only offer this class at one time. Tuesday nights from 6:30 - 8. One issue -- I have so many night functions for work. Some occur on Tuesday evenings. The more important issue -- my family. I have a 5 and 7 year old. I want time with them. And, my 7 year old just skipped a grade. So, she's got a lot of additional homework and responsibilities this year. I hate putting a regular meeting on my calendar at that time. The truth of the matter is, I'm fortunate. I have a wonderful husband who is great with the girls. He's the homework dad, the cook, etc. And, honestly, it would probably be harder on the girls if "daddy" was away one night a week. But, if I schedule myself for that class I wouldn't even seem them on Tuesday nights. :(
Option C. Phase II. Phase II is what they call the maintenance phase. Participants are no longer required to purchase a certain minimum food amount. So, it's cheaper - which I like. The classes are also only an hour - which I also like. And, they have more classes to choose from -- with better hours. There is even one during the day that I could hit on my lunch break. Both Paulie and Lola are moving to this once they can. But, here's the problem. I'm suppose to incorporate certain items into my diet each week. And, if I don't -- then I'm not "eligible" for Phase II -- whatever that means. That also means that the amount of weight I lose will decrease significantly. I'm not looking to maintain my current weight. I want to lose more. I may not have a goal weight in mind, but I know in order to achieve what I want, I need to lose more weight.
When I first started the program, I had hoped to stay on the All Inclusive plan until the end of the year or until the holidays (either Thanksgiving/Christmas). But, I only eat about 4 of the entrees. So, the diet is getting harder and harder.
Ginah suggested I take the weekend to weigh my options and let her know. She said she'd support me regardless, but I know she was pushing for the ongoing weight loss class. In the interim she has me incorporating three fruits/veggies into my diet -- starting today, which is actually more scary than exciting right now.
So, chime in folks. What option do you think I should take?
Anyway, to see them in the afternoon on Tuesdays before you go to the class? What about time with them on Tuesday mornings? Sounds like option B is what you want, but you do have a considerable traffic jam. Is it possible to find a way around that? If not, how long is option B? How many Tuesdays would you not see the girls? Would it be worth the trade off in the long run if you are more physically fit and can demonstrate that more to them and do more things with them? Just some things to consider. Congrats on the weight loss so far... you are doing great!