Monday, October 4, 2010

Mondays With Ginah

I usually get to class early on Monday evenings.  My job requires me to be out and about a lot.  And, typically I just go straight to the class from my last meeting out.  Typically, I can get more work done sitting in their waiting area on my iPad logged into my desktop than going back to the office.  The other benefit is it puts me first in line to see the doctor after class.  (My diet requires doctor supervision and that only happens after class.  It's done on a first come, first serve basis.  Makes for looooooong classes). 

Since I get there early, I spread my stuff out on a table there and work digilently.  At some point, Ginah usually passes by and sees me.  Then she comes over and visits for a bit. 

I know that most days I don't always shine a positive light on Ginah in these blogs. The truth is... she's a nice gal and she really believes in what she does and wants to help people.  Lola has a crazy teacher, Harley.  If you've read the blogs about Lola, then you know Harley is anti-PB2 and bars.  Apparently, she is also against the muffins. Lola brought them to class last week and passed them out... much like what I've done over and over again in my class.  Harley called her the next day fussing.  Harley also told someone in the class who was on the All Inclusive (no fruits or veggies) that when they ate a cucumber it was just as bad as eating a piece of cheesecake.  It certainly makes me appreciate Ginah.

My Mondays with Ginah have been a regular source of relief.  I get a real conversation with her about the diet, my boredom with the food, and challenges I have.  We even, sometimes, laugh a little at my fat class mates.  And while she doesn't tell me stories, I get the impression that I haven't seen the worst of it when it comes to comments from attendees. 

Today I have a meeting right until class time.  And, that actually is a little disappointing.  Gonna miss my special Monday time with Ginah.

1 comment:

  1. if you EVER get a story from Ginah - you have GOT to share it. I look forward to that! :-)
