Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Out (of the box) with Angels

I lost 2.4 pounds this week. That's 32+ so far.  And, I've been pretty good about being "in the box."  I really had little intention to be out of the box last night at my Angel event. 

But, when two speakers didn't show along with a number of other small clusters, I had a drink.  Then, when they put the plate of food in front of me and I immediately felt starved, I had a bite of the green beans... then a potato.... then just one bite of the chicken.  Hmmm, real chicken... not box chicken.  Hmmm, wine.  The potatos are good, too!  And, the beans.  Yum!  Just one more small bite of chicken....

Considering I had not eaten much at all yesterday (I tried to get some shakes in but it just didn't go right), I am not surprised I fell out a bit.

Truth be told, I'm not regretful.  I'm certain I'm not ruined for life.  I feel great about my progress.  32 pounds lost in 12 weeks is amazing.  And, last night was a big night.  So - if I'm going out of the box, I guess I might as well do it with a bunch of Angels. Right?

1 comment:

  1. Two speakers didn't show??? Who?? (Congrats on straying from the box and being OK with it. No use in beating yourself up.)
